luni, 21 martie 2011

Povestea Marinelei Rosu

    "Vreau sa ma fac doctorita ca sa fac bine oamenilor", acesta este visul unei fetite care se lupta in fiecare zi sa traiasca. Marinela are numai 7 ani si de mai bine de un an de zile este tintuita la pat. Ii este dor de scoala, de colegi, de doamna invatatoare, vrea sa mearga, sa poata alerga ca orice copil sanatos. Fetita lupta cu o tumora cerebrala maligna.
  Pana anul trecut a fost o fetita fericita, o fetia ca oricare alta, un copil cuminte ... sensul vietii pentru familia Rosu. Anul trecut, in luna aprilie, i s-a facut rau la scoala, a ametit si a vomat. A fost dusa imediat la spital, iar in urma unui examen computer tomograf i s-a pus diagnosticul de meduloblastom desmoplastic cerebelos.  "Pe 29 aprilie 2010 am fost chemata la scoala de doamna invatatoare pentru ca fetitei i s-a facut rau. In aceeasi zi am plecat la spital. Dupa ce i-au facut computer tomograf, medicii au descoperit aceasta tumora maligna, care se afla in trunchiul cerebral. La operatie nu s-a putut scoate toata tumora penrtu ca se afla intr-o zona foarte dificila. Tot dupa operatie a facut si hidrocefalie si a avut nevoie de patru tuburi de dren. Doamna doctor Catalina Axinte, de la Neurochirurgie, ne-a spus ca pentru a doua interventie chirurgicala sunt sanse foarte mici. Tocmai de aceea nu as mai opta pentru inca o operatie"  a spus Vasilica Rosu, mama Marinelei.
  In luna mai a anului trecut a fost operata la Spitalul de Neurochirurgie. Medicii au reusit sa-i scoata doar o portiune din tumora, pentru ca aceasta se afla in trunchiul cerebral si nu a putut fi extirpata in totalitate. Dupa operatie, Marinela nu a mai vorbit, nu a mai putut merge. Dupa patru luni de la interventia chirurgicala, cu ajutorul mamei, fetita a inceput sa vorbeasca din nou. Se poate deplasa doar cu ajutor.
  Dupa operatie, fetita a fost supusa unui tratament de chimioterapie, perioada extrem de dificila pentru ea. Dar a reusit sa treaca si peste aceasta suferinta.

Familia Rosu locuieste in satul Badeni, localitatea Scobinti, conditiile de trai a acestei familii este una foarte grava, familia traieste din ajutor social si alocatiile copiilor (Marinela mai are o sora de 3 ani), tatal este somer, un om deosebit cu calitati deosebite care a incercat sa se angajeze de multe ori dar fara succes. De aceea ei au nevoie de sprijinul nostru ... un sprijin ce trebuie acordat Marinelei, acestei fetite care mai are o sansa sa traiasca asa cum merita orice om, merita o sansa sa isi indeplini visul de a fi doctor.

  Ii este foarte dor de colegii de scoala si de doamna invatatoare. "Imi este dor de toti de la scoala. Am sa ma fac sanatoasa si, cand o sa fiu mare, ma fac doctorita, ca sa fac bine oamenii. Pe mine m-a salvat doctorita buna de la spital. La mine vine sa ma vada Diana, o colega din clasa. Stau in casa, desenez, scriu si imi place si la calculator", a spus Marinela.
  Cu ajutorul unei doamne amabile din Timisoara,  fetita si mama au plecat la o clinica din Roma, Italia. Oamenii din sat au pus mana de la mana pentru ca familia sa poata avea bani de drum. "In luna decembrie anul trecut am trimis toate documentele medicale ale fetitei la o clinica din Roma. Pe 7 februarie ni s-a comunicat ca avem luni, 14 februarie, programare. Voi merge eu cu fetita. Ne-au ajutat oamenii din sat cu bani pentru transport. Am gasit bilet de avion cu aproximativ 200 euro numai dus. Eu trebuie sa platesc 20 euro pe zi. Acolo fetita va face, din cate am inteles, radioterapie. Dupa ce vom ajunge acolo se va stabili clar care este tratamentul de urmat", a declarat Vasilica Rosu, in varsta de 27 ani.
Marinela va putea face tratament in Italia doar daca familia va gasi bani de transport, pentru ca fetita va trebui sa mearga periodic la Roma. "Am fost ajutati de o doamna cu suflet mare din Timisoara. Noua ne trebuie bani de transport. Va fi nevoie de multe drumuri la Roma si nu vom avea bani pentru biletele de avion si cazarea mea acolo. Singura noastra rugaminte catre Dumnezeu este sa o vedem pe Marinela sanatoasa. Trebuie sa mergem cu avionul pentru ca Marinela nu are voie sa raceasca, sa faca o infectie. Macar sa o vad ca mananca singura, ca se poate deplasa", a spus Vasilica Rosu.
Marinela mai are o sora de 3 ani.
Cei care doresc sa o ajute pe Marinela sa devina un copil sanatos pot face donatii in conturile deschise la BRD:
in lei: RO27BRDE240SV72252782400;
in euro: RO49BRDE240SV72253312400.
Numarul de telefon la care poate fi contactata familia este: 0752.797.499.
Impreuna putem sa o ajutam pe Marinela sa fie din nou un copil sanatos, viata ei deja este schimbata ... toata viata o va urmari acest tragic eveniment aceea un nou inceput este numai in mainile noastre ... stiu ca ducem vremuri grele, unii traim de pe o zi pe alta ...orice ajutor oricat de mic este un mare ajutor pentru Marinela ...
  Pe aceasta cale rog pe toti cei care au bloguri si vor sa faca o fapta buna ... sa ne ajute pentru a mediatiza cazul si pagina Marinelei.

The story of Marinela Rosu :"I want to become a doctor to heal people ", this is the dream of a girl who fights every day to live.
Marinela is only 7 years old and for more than a year she is bond to a bed.
She misses her school, her classmates, her teacher , she wants to walk, to run like every healthy child.
The little girl is fighting with a brain tumor.
Until last year she was a happy child, a girl like any other girl, a good girl..and the light for Rosu family.
Lat year in April, she felt sick at school and dizzy and she threw up.
She was rushed to the hospital where they diagnosed with

"On 29th of April 2010 i was called by her teacher to the school because she got sick again. In the same day we went to the hospital.
After the computer tomograf (CT) they discovered this brain tumor who is located in brainstem.                                      
After the surgery she also got hydrocephalus and she needed four drain tubes.
The lady doctor Catalina Axinte from Neurosurgery said that for the second surgery the chances are very small. For that reason i wouldn't go for the second surgery "said Vasilica Rosu, the mother of Marinela.
In May last year she has a surgery at the Neurosurgery Hospital.
The doctors were able to remove a part of the tumor, but because its located in the brainstem, they couldn't remove it all.
After the surgery Marinela wasn't able to speak or walk.
In four months after the surgery , with the help of her mother, the girl started to talk again.
She can move only with help.
After the surgery she had a chemotherapy treatment , a very hard period for her, but she was able to get over that too.
Rosu family lives in Badeni Village, located in Scobinti, and they have a very poor living conditions, the live with the social help and the children allowance.
Marinela has a sister who is 3 years old, her father doesn't have a job even though he is a special skilled man who tried to get a job many many times but without any success.
That's why they need our help, a help who needs to be given to Marinela, this girl who has another chance to live like any human deserves , she deserves a chance to make her dream come true, to become a doctor,
She misses her teacher and classmates a lot.
"I miss everybody in school. I will get better and when i grow up i will be a doctor and i will heal people. I was saved by a good doctor at the hospital.Diana comes to visit me, she is a class-mate.
I am staying inside the house, draw, write and play with the computer."said Marinela.
With the help of a nice lady from Timisoara, The little girl and her mom were able to go to a clinic in Rome, Italy.
The people from the village helped them with the money for the trip.
"We sent all the medical documentation of the girl to a clinic in Rome.
On 7th of February we were told that we have an appointment on 14th of February. I will go with Marinela.
The people from her village helped us with the money for the trip.We have found a plane ticket with 200 euros only to go there, and i need to pay 20 euros daily.
At that clinic the girl will  have a radiotherapy treatment.
After we arrive there they will tell us exact which is the treatment she has to follow"said Vasilica Rosu, her mother.
Marinela can have this treatment only in Rome and only if her parents will have the money for the trips she has to make. because she will have to go to Rome periodically.
"We had help from a lady with a big heart from Timisoara. We need money for transportation, because Marinela has to go to Rome periodically. We need many trips to Rome and we don't have the money for this, or for me to stay there while she has the treatment.
My only pray to God is to see Marinela healthy.
We need to go by plane because she can't catch a cold or any infection.
I want to see her eating alone at least, and to walk alone."

Anyone who want to help us to cure Marinela can donate in this accounts :
RO27BRDE240SV72252782400;in euro: RO49BRDE240SV72253312400.
The telephone numer where you can contact the Rosu family is:

Together we can help Marinela to be a healthy child again, her life is already changed, and she will be affected by this her entire life, that's why a new start is in our hands.
We all have problems, some of us live day by day but any little help it means a lot to them.
I want to ask everyone who can help us by posting this message on blogs or sites, please can help us help her.
Thank you

Did you look at the sky today?It looks so amazing:)
    Poza cu Marinela inainte sa fie bolnava

Poza facuta la 3 luni dupa operatie ...

 ... o mare diferenta, una dureroasa ... 

     Documentatie, bilete de internare, diagnostic, bilete de externare, plan de tratament, diagnostic histopatologic, traduceri documente in Italiana.


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